Απέτυχε η δοκιμή του νέου πυρηνικού πυραύλου της Ινδίας όπως μεταδίδουν ξένα πρακτορεία:
An Indian nuclear-capable ballistic missile failed to take off during a test launch in eastern India on Friday, the Indian Express newspaper reported.
The Prithvi-II was to blast off from Chandipur in the eastern state of Orissa at 10:03 am local time (04:03 GMT), but failed to do so after heavy smoke covered the launch pad, sources in the Indian Defense Ministry said.
It is as yet unclear why the missile failed to take off.
The Prithvi-II, with a maximum range of 350 km and a payload capacity of 500 kg, was last test-fired on June 18.
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