Σήμερα 24 νοεμβρίου 2010 η ελληνική στρατηγική ανακοινώνει ότι δεν θα επανέλθει ξανά στο χώρο της ενημέρωσης.
Δυστυχώς η μη εύρεση ελεύθερου χρόνου μας αναγκάζει να προβούμε σε αυτήν την δυσάρεστη ενέργεια, που πιστέψτε μας δεν θέλαμε να συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο.
Η ελληνική στρατηγική ευχαριστεί θερμά όλα εκείνα το blogs που μας στήριξαν να καταξιωθούμε στην ηλεκτρονική ειδησεογραφία, και πιο πολύ από όλους τα blogs http://infognomonpolitics.blogspot.com και http://helleniclegion.blogspot.com
Μα πάνω από όλα εσένα, τον καθημερινό αναγνώστη για την αγάπη και την συμπαράσταση που μας έδειξες αυτόν τον ένα χρόνο.. Το ταξίδι ήταν υπέροχο…
Μετά τιμής
Τμήμα ειδήσεων elliniki-stratigiki
18 σχόλια:
krima !!!
akoma ena wraio blog,kala enimeromeno afinei ton xoro!!
Ευχαριστουμε θερμα
Σας ευχαριστούμε για όσα μας προσφέρατε.
Δυστυχώς η μη εύρεση ελεύθερου χρόνου μας αναγκάζει να προβούμε σε αυτήν την δυσάρεστη ενέργεια
τι να πει κανείς........;
isaste gia polous edo stin kipro to noumero ena poli mas lipise auto kai elpizoume na sas ksanadoume
Ψηφίστε ΟΛΟΙ!
Στην παρακάτω Αμερικανική τοποθεσία, γίνεται «δημοσκόπηση» για το αν η Μακεδονία είναι Ελληνική ή όχι. Μπείτε, ψηφίστε και διαδώστε το σε όσους ξέρετε!
Είναι πολύ απλό. Ούτε όνομα πρέπει να βάλετε, ούτε στοιχεία, ούτε τίποτε. Μόνο επιλέγετε το Yes και μετά βλέπετε το ως τώρα αποτέλεσμα.
Έχουν μπει οι Σκοπιανοί και έχουν σαρώσει.
REPORTING: Master Obi Wan Kenobi (reincarnated as Paschalis Ra kitzis, EL HERCULES)
On investigating various events, I came to the conclusion, there is a well documented, planned invasion of Turkey in Greece, which is due to take place, in between May-August 2011. I have personally investigated movements of Turkish army occuring right now in the Greek Turkish borders. The Greek minister of defence, Mr Evangelos Venizelos (not a Saurian Dragonian), according to my personal opinion, is is not a traitor himself, but he is surrounded by traitors! Turkish army can bypass Evros river within 15 minutes, using 32 bridge. The Turkish prime minister is in favour of this war ocurring, and his orders come from his dragonian superiors.
The war will be much of a big surprise to everyone I talked to! From remote viewing, we have been able to deduce that the time of invasion, will be early morning, by 4-5 o'clock in the morning a huge fleet of Turkish tanks will evade sharply Greece, from norht Evros, but they evade many different points. Their initial plans for mainland Greece, is to hold positions and occupy at least Nestos river. They will use Kohonen self organising maps for their swift invasion.
So you are advised to have in a bag, stored food for at least 3 days, and means (car fuel), to escape initial bombings for at least 100 km.
According Fourakis Ioannis books: “Saurian and Sauroid like English, Kosovars, Gyptians, Hazars, Mongols (turkish army generals), Kalaties, and Abrahams decendants, are mainly fed with human blood, and from our planets negative energies (emitted by Aphrodite planet). Saurians are the owners of the huge network of underground/undercavernous human prisons (e.g. those of English castles, and Kosovo mines). It is in those prisons they gather their kidnapped human victims to suck their blood and eat/consume their flesh”. The saurians, are extremely telepathic, shapeshifters, and mind controllers, and they are fed by implementing negative ideas to humans. During a research we have conducted in the Greek-Bulgarian borders, we were amazed to find that approximately 50 thousand children are lost per year. Something similar happens in the borders of Mexico with USA. These people are used as food, from the “immortal” Saurians.
1. Aristotle describes the saurians physiology as follows: They are chamaeleons, their whole body has the shape of a lizard, their sides are extended/linked towards their underbelly, and they have scale-bones similar to fish extended at their top. Their faces looks like a hybrid monkey-pig. They have long tales. They like living in warm methane atmospheres, and their bodies are silica and not carbon based. To kill them have their head cut off, or strike them right above their navel, they have a large liver there, and if you stab them with a spear, you wound and immobilise them. They also have 2 hearts below their underarms. If you stab them repeatedly there you can kill them, but it is tough to get close to them, as they are telepathic and very muscular.
This is why they are forcing humans, to use fossil fuels (e.g. petroleum, natural gas, volcanic gases), to diminish oxygen, and slowly replace it, with their favourable methane and carbon dioxide gases global warming atmosphere. In the process of terra - forming, human species will die, and earth will be inhabited by saurians.
Fortunately, the Titans owners of high tech, will help earth to clean up of those beasts. It is because of their help, earth has survived and reached 4,6 billion years old.
OBI WAN e-mail: maphteah@yahoo.com
May the force be with you!
isaste gia polous edo stin kipro to noumero ena poli mas lipise auto kai elpizoume na sas ksanadoume
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