The Boeing Airborne Laser Test Bed (ALTB) team today received the 2010 Theodore Von Karman Award at the Air Force Association’s (AFA) Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition in National Harbor. The annual award is the AFA’s highest honor in the field of science and engineering and recognizes the team’s achievements in directed energy research and development.
"It is an honor to represent Boeing’s Airborne Laser team as it is recognized for this significant industry award," said ALTB Program Manager Rich Flanders. "This is a testament to the historic breakthroughs that this program has made, and to the outstanding work of the entire team."
Boeing is the prime contractor for ALTB, which is being developed as an advanced platform for the Department of Defense’s directed energy research program. In February, the ALTB team made history when it shot down a ballistic missile in its boost phase.
The February experiment was the first of its kind, and ALTB has successfully engaged a total of eight missiles to date. With each experiment, the team continues to make breakthroughs in the application of laser technologies -- such as advanced optics, beam control and pointing -- that are critically important to the future capabilities of U.S. warfighters and their allies.
"The Airborne Laser team is not only a leader in the field of directed energy applications, but continues to raise the bar," AFA President Mike Dunn said at the awards ceremony. "The milestones you have already achieved prove the great potential for directed energy technologies."
Other ALTB team representatives at the event included Guy Renard, Northrop Grumman ALTB program manager, and Chris Cirves, Lockheed Martin ALTB deputy program manager. Northrop Grumman designed and built the ALTB's high-energy laser, while Lockheed Martin developed the beam control/fire control system. Boeing provided the aircraft, the battle management system and overall systems integration and testing.
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $34 billion business with 68,000 employees worldwide.
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