Sukhoi Company has completed factory flight tests for the first serial multi-role double seater Su-30M2 fighter jet. The tests occurred at the flight test station of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft production association named after Yuri Gagarin (KnAAPO).
At the present time the Su-30M2 is getting ready for the certification test.
The state contract for four Su-30M2 aircraft was signed with the Russian Ministry of Defense at the international aerospace show MAKS-2009. During the air show, the Ministry of Defense also signed contracts for 48 Su-35S multi-function super-maneuverable fighters and 12 upgraded Su-27SM fighter jets.
The Su-30M2 is a long-range strike aircraft based on the Su-30 fighter design optimized for precision strikes on ground and naval targets.
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